The Free Agent Fans
Discussing today's hot topics from sports to current events. Diving into important issues from a fresh point of view.
78 episodes
Trending Topics
It's late but had to run it anyway, trending topics!
Season 3
Episode 15
Father's day special!
What does having a father in your life mean to you?
Season 3
Episode 13
Why women or men stay in abusive relationships!
For love, money, the kids, what's the reason?
Season 3
Episode 11
Cooning for Trump!
Is it just Trump or are we all cooning for the party system?
Season 3
Episode 10
Women's history month re-run!
In honor of the women in our lives check out this past podcast on relationships! One of the few we were blessed to have all the ladies on with us!
Season 3
Episode 9
How do you know if she's the one?
Looks, personality, what makes her the one?
Season 3
Episode 8
Male Insecurities!
Are you afraid of being called soft or do you let it all hang out? Why are men afraid to express feelings?
Season 3
Episode 5
Sex on the first date?
Is it ok to have sex on the first date? Why? Why not?
Season 2
Episode 42
What's a good first date?
Is cheesecake factory really a bad place for a date?
Season 2
Episode 38